¿Qué es una máquina de corte longitudinal?

Slitting machines, also known as slitter rewinders, are used in the converting industry to cut large rolls of material into narrower rolls of material. In this article, we will look at what a slitting machine is and how slitting machinery works. We will also outline the various types of slitting machines on the market today in the UK.

¿Qué es una máquina de corte longitudinal?

A slitting machine, also known as a slitter or a slitter rewinder, is an important piece of slitting machinery that the converting industry uses to process various materials. The main purpose of a slitting machine is to slit these materials into smaller rolls for later use.

There are three main components to a slitting machine: the unwind, the rewind, and the slitter itself. A large roll of material, such as film, is fed through the unwind. Once the roll of material is unwound, it is cut by the slitter into specific widths before being rewound again with a narrower width.

There are many everyday examples that showcase the work of slitting machinery. For example, receipts from retail stores originate from a much larger master roll before going through a slitting machine. The final receipt you receive after shopping has been cut into a smaller roll from the master roll by a slitting machine.

Tipos de máquinas de corte longitudinal

Hay muchos tipos diferentes de máquinas de corte longitudinal que ofrecen características y funciones específicas. Encontrar la máquina de corte longitudinal adecuada para usted dependerá en gran medida de su presupuesto y de los materiales que vaya a procesar. A continuación, hemos desglosado los tipos más comunes de máquinas de corte longitudinal de banda ancha y banda estrecha y hemos destacado sus características principales.

Cortadoras de banda ancha

Diamond Cortadora-rebobinadora a doble cara de banda ancha

The Diamond Duplex Slitter Rewinder is a slitting machine that offers a blend of quality and affordability—perfectly suited for projects that are set to a fixed budget. It can slit most materials.

Sapphire S2 Cortadora rebobinadora doble

The Sapphire S2 Duplex Slitter Rewinder is renowned for its versatility and fast outputs. Available in three different rewind diameter configurations of 600mm, 800mm, and 1000mm, this slitting machine is robust and suitable for most types of material.

Solitaire Cortadora rebobinadora a dos caras

La cortadora-rebobinadora dúplex de banda ancha Solitaire es una máquina de corte longitudinal que puede manejar una amplia gama de productos. Esta cortadora ha sido desarrollada para cortar y rebobinar materiales de banda estrecha.

Onyx Cortadora-rebobinadora a doble cara de banda ancha

The Onyx Wide-Web Duplex Slitter Rewinder is a great option if you are working with flexible packaging products. It is an easy-to-use slitting machine that offers a lot of functionality without breaking the bank. These are ideally suited for start-up companies.

Sapphire S2T Cortadora rebobinadora de torreta ancha

The Sapphire S2T Wide-Web Duplex Turret Slitter Rewinder is a premium slitting machine that offers optimal productivity and next to no downtime. Features include automatic turreting technology, which lets you work on cycle times as low as 15 seconds to ensure optimal productivity and output.

Diamond T Cortadora rebobinadora de torreta ancha

La cortadora rebobinadora de torreta ancha Diamond T es una máquina de corte compacto y eficiente que utiliza la tecnología de rebobinado de torreta de forma similar a la cortadora rebobinadora dúplex Diamond.

Cortadora rebobinadora de película secundaria Jade

The Jade Secondary Film Slitter Rewinder is designed with film manufacturers in mind. The Jade is suitable for multiple types of material, including BOPP, CPP, BOPET, PA, and metallised or coated films.

Jade Cortadora rebobinadora de película primaria

The Jade Primary Film Slitter Rewinder offers high-quality winding at high speeds, which adds more flexibility to the slitting machine setup. These are perfectly suited for slitting and rewinding plastic films of up to 343 “ in width.

Jade Rebobinador de papel y material autoadhesivo de banda ancha

The Jade Wide-Web Labelstock/Paper Slitter Rewinder is an excellent slitting machine based on the Jade series of slitters. It features centre surface capabilities that allow the machine to wind with individual rewind stations, full-width differential rewind shafts, or an airshaft.

Emerald Máquina de rebobinado y raspado de banda ancha (rebobinadora de salvamento)

La máquina Emerald de rebobinado/reparación de bobinas anchas está diseñada pensando en un desperdicio mínimo. Puede manejar rollos mal enrollados y transformarlos en rollos de calidad y terminados.

Cortadoras de banda estrecha

Opal Cortadora rebobinadora estándar de inspección de etiquetas de banda estrecha

La cortadora estándar de inspección de etiquetas de banda estrecha Opal es una rebobinadora cortadora multifuncional que puede configurarse de múltiples maneras. Es perfectamente adecuada para procesar todos los materiales necesarios para un convertidor de banda estrecha. Además, es muy sencilla de configurar.

Opal EC Cortadora rebobinadora de inspección de etiquetas de banda estrecha

La cortadora-rebobinadora de inspección de etiquetas de banda estrecha Opal es una máquina de corte longitudinal de nivel básico que ofrece una amplia gama de funciones. La Opal ofrece un precio más bajo, y esta máquina de corte longitudinal es capaz de cortar y rebobinar todo tipo de etiquetas gracias al avanzado control PLC y a los motores AC sin escobillas.

Opal ISR Cortadora rebobinadora de inspección de etiquetas de banda estrecha

The Opal ISR Narrow-Web Label Inspection Slitter Rewinder is a modular slitting machine that offers a blend of high-speed and quality production. With a wide range of features, this is an excellent all-around narrow-web slitting machine.

Opal Rebobinador de etiquetas de banda estrecha en línea y con torreta fuera de línea

Diseñada pensando en el sector de las etiquetas autoadhesivas, la rebobinadora en línea y la rebobinadora de torreta fuera de línea Opal para etiquetas de banda estrecha están totalmente automatizadas para agilizar los procesos y proporcionar una producción ininterrumpida.

Opal Convertidores de etiquetas de banda estrecha y líneas de conversión

The Opal Narrow-Web Label Converter and Converting Lines are used to produce blank labels and non-die-cut labels. It is an excellent slitting machine that offers a good amount of functionality and control.

If you are interested in any of the slitting machines discussed in this article and would like to know more, please contact our specialists today at ASHE Converting Equipment. Our team is made up of industry experts when it comes to slitting machinery, so if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ponte en contacto.