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Cortadores de núcleo

Cortadores de núcleos probados y comprobados

Along with the slitter rewinders we provide, we are also able to offer a wide range of core cutting machinery.

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Cómo funciona

Cortadores de núcleoWeb estrecha

In addition to our slitting rewinder machinery, we also provide narrow-web core cutters.

Nuestras cortadoras de núcleos de banda estrecha pueden cortar diversas longitudes, diámetros y grosores de pared de núcleos de cartón, plástico y materiales compuestos. Las empresas también tienen la opción de pedir una solución a medida para satisfacer los requisitos de corte de núcleos personalizados.

The core cutter range we are able to offer includes:

  • Cortadoras manuales de núcleos
  • Semi-Automatic Core Cutters
  • Cortadoras automáticas de núcleos
  • Cortadoras de núcleos totalmente automáticas
  • Cortadoras de núcleos diseñadas a medida

The Series R range of core cutter machines covers a wide variety of industries; some are listed below. Many more industries also use the tried and tested core cutting methods for their own applications.

  • Convertir
  • Fabricantes de núcleos y tubos
  • Envases flexibles
  • Etiqueta de stock
  • Envasado de alimentos
  • Médico
  • Building and Construction
  • Filtration and Insulation

Máquinas manuales para cortar núcleos y tubos
La gama de cortadoras manuales de núcleos de la serie R es eficaz, rentable y práctica. Producen un corte limpio, sin rebabas y preciso con ajustes rápidos y sencillos para diferentes diámetros de núcleo y grosores de pared. La capacidad de cortar tanto núcleos de cartón como de plástico hace que estos modelos sean ideales para el usuario de volumen bajo o medio.


  • TC10 – The TC10 Series R is a compact manual machine that is practical, efficient and cost effective.  It produces an accurate, clean, quality cut with quick and easy change-over for multiple core diameters and wall thicknesses.  The ability to cut both cardboard and plastic makes this model ideal for the low to medium volume user.  Cutting is achieved by using a free running crush cut knife principle.
  • TC20 – The TC20 Series R is a manual surface driven machine that is practical, efficient and cost effective and is ideal for longer and larger diameter parent cores. It produces an accurate, clean, quality cut with quick and easy change-over for multiple diameters and wall thicknesses.  The ability to cut both cardboard and plastic cores makes this model ideal for the low to medium volume user.  Cutting is achieved by using a free running crush cut knife principle.

Máquinas automáticas para cortar núcleos y tubos
La gama de máquinas automáticas de corte de núcleos de la serie R es ideal para los clientes que buscan un acabado preciso y de alta calidad con un tiempo mínimo del operario en la producción de sus piezas cortadas, con ajustes rápidos y sencillos para diferentes diámetros de núcleos y tubos y espesores de pared.

Las cortadoras de núcleos/tubos semiautomáticas y automáticas están diseñadas para adaptarse al usuario de volumen medio o alto que busca núcleos de corte limpio y preciso con una intervención reducida del operador.

Los sistemas opcionales de carga de núcleos (sólo TC35 y TC40) pueden añadirse en el punto de venta o a posteriori para lograr una automatización total que permita un ciclo de corte continuo.


  • TC25 – The TC25 Series R is a semi-automatic machine that is ideal for customers looking for a high quality, accurate finish with a minimum amount of operator input.  An entry level automatic machine that has quick and easy settings for different core diameters and wall thicknesses and the ability to cut both cardboard and plastic, makes this model ideal for the medium volume user.
  • TC35 – The TC35 Series R is an automatic machine that is ideal for customers looking for a high quality, accurate finish with a minimum amount of operator input.  Additional automatic features, quick and easy settings for different core diameters and wall thicknesses and the ability to cut both cardboard and plastic, makes this model ideal for the medium to high volume user.  Optional core loading systems can be added at point of sale or retrospectively for full automation to give a continuous cutting cycle.
  • TC40 – The TC40 Series R is an automatic machine that emphasises the need for high quality, accurate finish with the minimal operator input by creating a highly polished burr free finish to the core.  Additional automatic features, quick and easy settings for different core diameters and wall thicknesses and the ability to cut both cardboard and plastic, makes this model ideal for the medium to high volume user.  Optional core loading systems can be added at pint of sale or retrospectively for full automation to give a continuous cutting cycle.
  • TC45 – The TC45 Series R is an automatic machine developed specifically to cut larger diameter cores and for customers looking for a high quality, accurate finish with a minimum amount of operator input.  Additional automatic features, quick and easy settings for different diameters and wall thicknesses and the ability to cut both cardboard and plastic, makes this model ideal for the medium to high volume user.  A movable cutting arm position allows the machine to cut a wider range or core diameters.
Cartón y papel
  • Diámetro interior = Ø12,7mm(1/2") a Ø304,8mm (12")
  • Espesor máximo de la pared = 20mm (3/4")
  • Diámetro interior = Ø12,7mm(1/2") a Ø304,8mm (12")
  • Espesor máximo de la pared = 11mm (7/16")
Materiales compuestos y otros materiales tubulares y aplicaciones especiales
  • En la solicitud
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Acerca de las cortadoras de núcleo de banda estrecha

Descubra por qué nuestros clientes nos eligen para sus cortadoras rebobinadoras y maquinaria de conversión.

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If you are interested in finding out more about this product, please fill out the following form and a member of our team will be in touch with you soon.